What scandal? The only scandal we see is the press pretending there's a scandal. Wright is non-news.
All that stuff about white folks not understanding black prophetic preaching and about blue collar Midwesterners being racist, etc.? That was all a pun.
No, no. A palindrome.
Barack's slick move wherein he sided with Wright, leaving himself wide open to an about-face by the guy? That was... um....
A palindrome.
What do I know? I come, after all, from a lower-middle-class background in Ohio. I'm so dumb I don't even realize that "nuance" is a synonym for "context." Neither, oddly enough, do any of the dictionaries I've referenced, but stranger things have happened. I'm so dumb, I thought that Wright's rantings were in context, even before it was shown that they, in fact, were in context. Getting ahead of the smart folks isn't nice, and I should stop doing it.
Anyway, if I were a sophisticated sort, I wouldn't be saying things like, "A piece of dryer lint could have foreseen that Wright wasn't going to cooperate with Obama or the press." I'd be blaming the Wright Scandal (which I'd put in quotes, as if it were something that didn't really exist) on the press, religion, white voters, the weather, dryer lint, the press, a lack of palindromes in print and on the Internet, the press, and the press. And white voters.
And it would all depend on your definition of "definition." And its palindromic version, "noitinifed."
Anyway, it's perfectly O.K. for my party's presumptive nominee to screw up non-stop, because Barack will be granted a wide, wide margin for error during the general election. Ask Gore. Or Kerry.
We've got this in the bag. Obama's the man! Wow, I feel more sophisticated by the minute.
you sent me. are you coming down to NC to go door to door to get out the vote for Obama? He's the best hope for the country.
I would, except that I'm going for Hillary. I was being sort of sarcastic.
Thanks for letting me know who sent you!
Lee sent me.
Hi Lee,
You sent me.
I find it interesting that of the 3 democrats running, John McCain is the most electable.
Thanks for all you do!
Sure, but in what way, shape, or from is McCain a Democrat? He wants to make the tax cuts for the rich permanent, he wants to hand health care completely to the insurance co.'s, stay in Iraq until 3000 A.D., and so on. He's Bush III.
Hey Lee,
"The Wright Scandal" just doesn't seem like a scandal to me. If Obama were accepting his endorsement (like McCain accepts endorsements from scary extremists), then I would find it scandalous. But he's not. So he initially disagreed with Wright without disowning him, and got bitten because it was not the smartest political move. But as a human move it was a tough choice, and the fact that Obama will even consider putting personal decency above political expediency is why so many people like him!
I'm afraid Barack went beyond merely standing by his ex-pastor. Remember his fantastically ill-considered "typical white person" statement? Remember the press spinning 24/7 about how Obama has put a new "dialogue" about race into place? This is the opposite of playing it cool, and certainly the opposite of staying neutral. Obama, in effect, decided to take some of Wright's press, and Wright couldn't have been expected to stand by and let that happen. And he didn't.
Had Obama not tried to exploit this situation, I'd feel he was getting a bad rap. But he did, and I don't.
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